My name is Richard Manzo, and I'd like to serve you and all of Goffstown as a member of the Select Board. 

Over my last seven budget years on the Budget Committee, I've been an independent mind and impartial voice in support of responsible, sustainable budgets, and that's exactly what I pledge to continue if elected to the Select Board on March 11th. 


I'm committed to serving the people of Goffstown above all else, and that's exactly the commitment I'll uphold as a member of the Select Board. You work hard to provide for your family. You deserve representatives who respect that and use your tax dollar wisely, ensuring that every penny spent is to your real, tangible benefit. Your tax money is not a political football for partisan, out-of-town groups and lobbyists to play with.


A town like Goffstown thrives on cooperation and collaboration. Views on the specifics of local spending vary widely, but where we're able to find the most common-ground is over a budget that meets the expectations you, our residents, have for our local services but accounts for the unprecedented current complexity of making ends meet for those who work and those who rely on fixed incomes alike, and doesn't tax people out of town.

Responsible budgeting doesn't just happen by starting with a pie-in-the-sky shopping list and then magically settling on a "good" number that we think we can "sell" to the town. The hard work starts by critically examining our own processes, because a faulty process can't lead to a positive result.

To that end, I'm highlighting these priorities:


I'll continue to advocate for strategic, long-term planning that incorporates smaller deposits into capital reserve funds (commonly referred to as CRFs, these funds are much like savings accounts) to avoid massive tax-spikes. Our departments will sometimes need to make more major expenses in order to meet the needs of our residents, but that doesn't (and shouldn't) mean blindsiding our residents with a massive jump in their tax bills.


Zero-based budgeting doesn't mean cutting everything; it's a budgeting process that means starting at zero and critically re-evaluating our own choices, first adding into the budget prior legal obligations, then continued needs, then new needs; then and only then do we explore new wants—instead of starting from our previous budget, adding in wishlist items, and then working backwards to a number that can be "sold" to voters. 

ALternAtiVE fuNDINg sOurcES

As a Selectman, I'll find and push for alternative funding sources, especially advocating for the pursuit of grants and other funding to alleviate the tax burden on our residents. All opportunities must be considered for their potential value and benefit, making sure that no assistance to the Goffstown taxpayer is left on the table and unexplored. Diversified revenue streams mean better services with more in your wallet.


The Select Board, School Board, and Budget Committee must continue to collaborate on enhanced transparency. The truth is, not every single person in town has the time to scrutinize our budget. That's our job as elected officials. We must ensure that every interested person can learn a plain understanding of how much of their money is being spent and what it's being spent on, without hiding the facts behind jargon.


I've lived in Goffstown since elementary school when I attended Bartlett. Over the years I've lived here, I went through our public schools as a student and graduated from Goffstown High School. I've served seven budget cycles over six years on the Budget Committee and three years as a trustee of the town's trust funds. 

Professionally, I consult with struggling small businesses and help them eliminate waste and inefficiency, as well as to open up new marketing channels to open new revenue streams. Despite the difference in scale, that's the exact mindset I'll bring to our Select Board: the willingness to make hard decisions and the open-mindedness to explore new solutions.

I'm not big on social media, and I'm not the world's most talkative guy. I've never run for office just to raise my own profile. I'm just a long-time resident of Goffstown who wants the same thing for our town that you doa town that's affordable to live in and that you can be proud to call home.

My promise to all of our residents and taxpayers

I'll continue to be an independent mind once elected to the Select Board. I remain committed to looking at our town's spending with impartiality. I've only ever done what I thought is right for the future of Goffstown. I can't and won't be swayed by pressure or hyper-partisan out-of-towners. I'll do everything in my power as a Selectman to ensure that you keep as much of your hard-earned money as possible, and that every cent collected in taxes is spent in your service. I will uphold high professional standards across our town departments, and most importantly, for myself. No matter your views, I pledge to continue to be receptive to your feedback and to take it to heart as I vote on the board.

I humbly ask for your vote on march 11, 2025